Thursday 18 October 2012

Questionnaire Analysis

I recently conducted a questionnaire to see whether my coloured water product would be picked up and brought and got various feedback towards this. I asked 12 questions, which were:
1. How old are you?
2. Who does the food shopping in your family?
3. Would you say that water is a necessity or a convenience buy?
4. If a brand were to create a coloured water, would you believe it to be a good idea? Please explain your ideas and opinions
5. How much water on average would you say your child drank per day?
6. Would you be interested in buying coloured water to drink instead of normal water?
7. What kind of music would you associate with a water advert?
8. If an advert has a catchy slogan, are you more likely to remember the product and purchase it?
9. How much would you be prepared to pay for healthy coloured water?
10. Do you think you would prefer to drink coloured water if you had the option?
11. Whats more important to you?
12. What are your opinions on this advert? Do you think they selected the music correctly? Do you think that they have promoted their product well? 

13. Do you prefer this advert to the previous advert?

14. If Yes, Why?

I decided to ask these questions so that I was able to get a range of different answers, all which would be helpful in my research  to find target market, and the kind of advert / music people are looking for in a water advert. 

How old are you?

I decided to ask this as my first question as I wanted to know the range of answers I was getting, therefore seeing if I was getting more of one group or another. This data would then allow me to be able to present my product to a certain group whom liked it. 

 However, My results were extremely biased. This meant that the majority of answers came from one group, and this was 11 - 20. I think this is because of where I promoted my product, which was Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr, and the fact that I am 17, so my friends, family and school helped me to fill this in, as well as the teens on this type of social Media. To avoid this problem, I should have suggested smaller groups of ages, therefore allowing me to get a range of different answers, or been able to promote my survey somewhere else. I think if I hadn't included two videos to watch, people would have been able to answer it without having to be online, which may have been easier for myself. As it stands, I have 16 responses from the 11-20 age group, 1 from each group of 21 - 30 and 31 - 40, 3 in 41-50, 2 in 51 - 60, and 2 in 70+ . I got no responses from the groups 10 and under or 61 - 70. I think this meant that I wasn't getting detailed results like I needed to and this would therefore be better in order to have better research into my product. However, At the moment I will have to work with these results in order to have enough analysis for the first part of this task.

Who does the food shopping in your family?

The second question I asked was 'Who does the food shopping in your family?'. I asked this because I wanted to know whether I would need to promote my product to mothers with Children, because they are the ones who would buy it. This is important because I am able to see which Tv channel or website I need to advertise upon. These are the results which I was given:

The majority of answers stated that the persons Mother did the food shopping. I think this is because I asked the majority of people in an age group under 20. This meant that I was able to see how I was able to promote my product and see exactly how to advertise. I found that the elder people said that their wifes or both of the adults in the household did the shopping, and I think this is important to take into account because although I'm trying to aim my product at children, it is important to actually advertise to the mother or the parents in order for the product to be bought. I feel that this has helped me to see who I need to promote my product to.

Would you say water is a necessity or a convenience buy?

I also asked whether the person thought that Water was a necessity or a convenience buy, which means does the people feel that water is important to buy - therefore making it a necessity - or something that is just easy to buy but not actually needed, which is a convenience buy.

I got a very close of range of answers for this question. This means that most people answered either one or the other and each were only 5 answers different. 15 people, 60% said that water was a Necessity, meaning that they always buy it when they go into the shops. 10 people, 40% said that water was a convenience buy, meaning that they only buy it when its completely necessary. Knowing this information will allow me to see whether my product would actually work within the supermarket, even though this information would be for normal water. I feel that my water would be more of a convenience than a necessity, and I therefore need to try and  match my price with normal, regular water in order for people to pick up my product instead of natural water.

If a brand were to create a coloured water, would you believe it to be a good idea? Please explain your ideas and opinions.

I then asked a question in which people would be able to answer a paragraph of answers. It was 'If a brand were to create a coloured water, would you believe it to be a good idea? Please explain your ideas and opinions'. This was so that I was able to see if people liked my idea and were able to connect with it, seeing their views and ideas to help me with my product. I got a wide range of responses, with people suggesting yes and no, and some people suggesting both! Some responses I got were:

'I think that it would be a good idea because it would make drinking water much more fun. I think that parents 
would love it with young children because younger children tend not to want to drink water. '

'I thought that would be pretty cool. I'm guessing it would be slightly expensive which might put me of So yeah, I think that would be a good idea, new, creative etc'

'Yes as it would look nice/attractive however no as it would be full of additives etc and may not be as 

pure as natural water. '

'I would if the different colours represented flavours - Example- red for strawberry'
'Not really..prefer the plain original style no additives. May appeal to children'
'yes, because it will be more attractive and get more people like little kids to drink water'
I think that this gives me a range of answers and also helps me with ideas on the rest of my products. This is because I was able to pick up ideas of what other people want within their products. This shows that people think that 'young' children would like the product, but they don't want it just normal water. This means that the product can represent something else, such as what person number 4 suggests, which was fruit flavours for each colour. I think I also need to figure out something to do with additives because everyone seems concerned about these issues. I think I need to find a healthy way to add flavour and colour without having added sugars. I think I should also have some sort of pretty packaging which would catch the eye of the buying and make it look 'nice' and 'attractive' like what person number three said. Person number 2 was concerned about the price, and so I am making sure to create something which fills into the price of normal water.

How much water on average would you say your child drank per day?

I wanted to know how much water on average peoples children drank per day to see if this was a valuable market which I could aim my product at. I didn't make this a compulsory question, which I don't think some people realized. This suggests that I have many blank answers because of the people who answered my questions - which was mostly people between the ages of 11 - 20 who would have any children.
On average, most people said that their children drank 1litre per day. Some people said that they drunk 'Very Little' whilst some people said 'a lot' or ' 2 bottles' - although this doesn't specify how big the bottles are, but I'm taking the approach that it is a 500ml bottle. I think that there is an opening in the market for my coloured water product with children because I want to take on the approach to get more children to drink healthy water. I myself know that I would be interested in a healthy alternative to water because I find it bland after a while and find it takes me a day to get through a whole bottle, but as soon as I have a healthy flavoured water, which is sparkling, I find that I can drink this much quicker than normal. Therefore, I feel that if I target the child market I will be able to get more children to drink water.

Would you be interested in buying coloured water to drink instead of normal water?

I felt at this point that it would be important to ask the people who have answered my questionnaire to see if they would indeed like to buy coloured water to drink instead of normal water. This got em a wide variety of answers and also made me rethink my target audience. 

I found that nobody said 'never' which was a good thing because it showed me that my product had a prospect to work in the supermarkets. I found that the majority of my answers said 'no', which is very important for me to take into account because i therefore know that none of these people are people I should target within my target audience, basically because I just wouldn't be able to get the audience to buy the product that I'm offering. I also got the response that 7 people would 'maybe' buy my product. I think this is where I need to bring in the pricing factor, as well as finding out additives. I think the people that said maybe, were those who were unsure about what may be in the water to make it coloured and I need to reference this back in order to make sure that those people change their opinion to 'yes' rather than 'maybe'. 4 people said that yes, they would buy the water and I think that this would be the people with children, or perhaps those who find it difficult to drink water because it would be a cool alternative and will help more people to drink their water. 5 People said that they would occasionally buy the product. This means that they would buy it for a special occasion. I feel that this would be good because I'm still getting people to buy the product but I still need to make sure that I'm getting loyal customers so that I'm able to keep creating the product.

What kind of music would you associate with a water advert?

To help me with the actual production of my product, I wanted to find out what the best type of music would be to go with my advert. I researched different types of music to see if they had used them in other water adverts.
I found that the two main ones were predominant because these were the choices that were the best ones. The two predominant choices were upbeat, happy music and slow music, which were completely opposite of each other. I feel that I need to try and find the best music in order to promote my product in the best way. I think that as long as I find something that's catchy and has a meaning towards it, it might work within the advert. I want to find the best way for people to remember the water advert and need the song to get stuck in peoples head. 

If an advert has a catchy slogan, are you more likely to remember the product and purchase it?

I then wanted to know if people were more likely to remember a product and purchase it if they had a catchy slogan. I feel that the answers here were very varied and therefore shows the different ways that adverts work on different people.

14 people said that yes, they were more likely to remember the product and purchase it, if the advert has a catchy slogan. This was the highest group and was 56% of people that said that they would benefit. This suggests that I need to find a catchy slogan and something that would make people remember the product and therefore purchase it when they are in the local shop. I feel that if I have a catchy slogan, people will remember it when they want to buy a product, such as when I think of cereal I think of coco pops and their slogan. 7 people said that they would occasionally remember the the slogan and purchase the product, while 4 people said that they would rarely remember the slogan. I think this is still a significant amount and therefore need to work on something short and catchy but precise which enables people to remember it. 0 people said that they wouldnt remember it, which shows the power of advertising and slogans.

How much would you be prepared to pay for healthy coloured water?

Most people selected the same category here, suggesting that there is no variety in peoples answers and that I should just price my product directly within these categories. I feel I may have got more of a variety of answers had I put another section asking people under £0.99 because people may already feel that my product is going to be overpriced.
24 people said that they would be prepared to pay £0.99 - £1.99 for bottle of healthy coloured water. I think this is because people dont want to pay more than they would pay for normal water and therefore have selected this category because they do not want to pay more for something alternative, something thats not water. I think that 1 person selected £2.00 - £2.99 because they felt that it would be different because they would be able to get more people to drink the coloured water, which is important because perhaps they were from a high income area. I think that I need to keep the water moderately priced so that people can still purchase it and I would make a profit.

Do you think you would prefer to drink coloured water if you had the option?

I wanted to know if people would prefer to drink the coloured water if they have the option , and therefore I was able to see the varied answers. I feel that this question was influenced by the amount of people who I actually asked, as most people were between the ages of 11 - 20.

The majority of people said no, and this was 14 people, which equaled to 56%. I feel that I will need to change these opinions with my advert and so these are the people I am going to try and influence to buy my product. 7 people said 'Sometimes' and this therefore shows that my product is something that will not be popular as an everyday buy, but may be something thats bought every now and again in order to change up the normal product. 3 people said yes, and I think that these were people who didnt like to drink water or were trying to get their children to drink water. 1 person said that they would maybe buy it and I think this is the people whom are not sure about the products that are in the drink to make it coloured.

Whats more important to you?

I wanted to know what was most important to the audience, because I wanted to see what I needed to base the majority of my advert around. I asked different things so that I knew what I should put on the label and what I shouldn't because I dont need to specify these things.

The most important thing to the people I questioned was the taste of the drink, and around 19 people specified this. I think this is the most important to the audience because they do not want to drink something which doesn't taste normal, and therefore I need to make the drink taste as much like water as possible, as this is orginally what I had planned. Price was second highest, with 17 people saying that this was what mattered the most to them. I think this is also very important because I cant overprice my product as I want to make sure that it sells well, and I believe that it should be marketed with normal water, therefore making the price under £1. Look and Calories were joint 3rd most important, with 6 people specifying this. I think that I want to try and make something Low Calorie, because then it is healthier, and I also want my product just to look like normal, see through water but it will be coloured. Sugar had 5 people specify that this was most important and i believe that i need to make something that doesnt have added sugar or additives, as this could put off a wide variety of customers. This therefore shows that the amount of people that I need to target at with specific things and also shows that I need to make sure that Taste and price are something that I work on to suggest that they are the most important within the advert.

What are your opinions on this advert? Do you think they selected the music correctly? Do you think that they have promoted their product well? 

In the questionnaire, I linked people to an Evian advert on youtube (Advert 1 above). I asked people what they thought of the advert, to see if I should link my advert to something like this so that I am able to gain the same respectability and response to my advert that Evian has been able to link their brand to. I wanted to see if people thought this was a successful water advert and therefore I made sure to leave a large box for people to leave their responses in. These were some of the replies:

'I think that this is a very catchy advert in which Evian has carried on the brand of 'babies'. The music is catchy, and the stop motion enables us to smile, and listen to the music. However, I am unsure at what type of product the advert is advertising throughout, as they do not show the product as much as I think that they should.'

'I hated it! If anything that would put me off buying Evian. Poor choice of music to advertise water. Little sense of the the value that water offers.' 

'has nothing to do with water, although it will make consumers remember the advert therefore I don't doubt it has been successful. The music is amusing and upbeat which is good.'

'i think this commercial was different and weird, but in a good way, because it would probably have people remember it. the music worked well, and I think they did a good job promoting their product'

'I wouldn't instantly relate it to water but it's very creative and memorable. When recalling the advert to a friend it would be referred to as 'that Evian advert''

I think that these show how well the advert is working. Many responses specified that the advert had 'nothing to do with water' and that they 'couldnt relate' the product to the advert, however I believe that most people now remember the product due to this advert. I think that the main thing in this advert was that it was linked to the brand of 'babies' and so people instantly remembered the babies and then remembered the water. People didnt like the music because it didnt work with the advert, however many of the responses I got found that the music was amusing, upbeat and was creative and memorable. Knowing this information has helped me to see that I need to do something that is memorable, with good music which people will remember. I feel that even if the advert didnt make sense and wasnt linked, people still remembered it due to the music, therefore making it successful as an advert.
 Do you prefer this advert to the previous advert?

I then linked people to another advert (advert 2 above) to see if they liked this type of advert better than the previous advert.

12 people said that yes they did prefer the advert for vitamin water better, because it was more of a story based. However, 13 people said no, showing that the Evian advert was still successful even though many people didnt think that it had anything to do with water.

  If Yes, Why?

Lastly, I asked people their opinions on this advert if they said yes. This meant that I was able to see why people prefered this advert to the Evian advert, and was able to see if I wanted to link my advert to this that I would be able to.
'It has more of a story to it. The man is clearly following to buy the drink, and when he gets it he feels much better. I feel that this advert makes me want to go out and buy the product more than the Evian. Personally, I think the music is catchy and the 'internet memes' means that children and teens will be more involved in the advert because they know what they mean.'

'The range of intertextual references, e.g. cat, dancing prisoners, etc, alongside the multiple humorous aspects creates a far more appealing advert. It is so #pomo, it just has to be appreciated! Plus, anything that includes a dude with mullet has to be good.'

'I think that it gave more of an advertisement of the product because they showed that you can be powerful when you drink the product.'

'it's less creepy, but I still don't see the point of it. the music was less annoying and I didn't like the story line'
 I think this is a wider range of answers than the Evian advert responses. Person one said that they prefered it because it would make them go out and buy the product because they want the feeling that the person has experienced, as it made them feel 'good'. The music was 'catchy' which made people relate to the product and the advert as well. I think that people prefered this advert because it followed a story and showed what the drink did when they drunk it.

Overall, I think that this questionnaire was successful in finding out different things about the water advert, which has helped me on my way to doing my advert.

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