Thursday 5 July 2012

Guilt Advert

This advert is from the charity 'Save the Children'. Although this advert is effective, it is done in a way which sets of emotions and persuades you to give money. The shots used are close up and show the different things that the charity does. It follows the story line of a specific person, then goes on to explain in depth the kind of things which the person doesn't have. It uses emotive language so that you feel bad, and also accompanies the words with sad, slow music. This draws in the attention of the audience.
Below the advert, Save the Children had written an accompanying paragraph.
'Thank you for taking the time to watch our advert. 8 million children under five die every year from illnesses we know how to prevent, such as diarrhoea and pneumonia. In the 21st century, this is utterly wrong. We're not waiting for a miracle cure to save these lives. We know what works. We just need more of it -- more vaccines, more antibiotics, more nurses and midwives. By setting up a regular donation you'll help the most vulnerable children survive their first five years.'

Again, this shows how the charity are trying to get people to donate to the children. 

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