Friday, 15 March 2013

Final Script

Advert one\two:

'Its Aqua-blast, The brand new drink in your life. Coming in Red, Green, Yellow And Blue, theres always one thatll be your favourite. Aqua-Blast, One that the kids will love too'


Aqua-Blast sponsors daytime television on four

Daytime television on four sponsored by aqua-blast


'Aqua-Blast, the brand new drink coming to stores near you. Theres four new colours, Red, Green, Blue and Yellow. Quench your thirst! Aqua-Blast, one that the kids will love too.'

Monday, 4 March 2013

Evaluating Advert One / Reshoots

As I have been looking back over my coursework, I have decided I need to film packing the lunchbox again. This means that I will need to film bring home the lunchbox and waters from school and try and film it one night this week, hopefully tomorrow. I will collect my things from the office and bring them home so that I am able to get the best results possible.
 I have decided this because as I sit and evaluate my footage I can see that the lunchbox moves and I dont want this to happen, therefore I am going to refilm this in order to make sure that I get the best quality possible.
 Also, Whilst it seems sunny I am going to try and film my second sequence of the child looking out the window, and i will then look back over my animatics to see if I had missed anything out which will be a key essential to filming my advert.
 Today I also transferred my piece of music onto the mac I will be using, and this is Charity Vance - Icing. I have decided that I want to use this track because it is upbeat and happy and I feel that it will work out well within my advert.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Uploading and Looking at Footage shot on Thursday 28th February.

On Friday 1st March I uploaded footage onto the computer and put it into Premier Pro. I made sure to look at every picture, which I feel all came out well.
 I feel like I want to use the footage that I took at the end more than the beginning, meaning I will be using the lunchbox footage. This is because the water bottles stay in the same place and therefore I feel that it will be better to edit.
 When I tried to put things onto the premier pro sequence, I found that the images expanded themselves. therefore, I will need to think of a way to edit these back and make sure that the advert runs smoothly.
During the next week, I will try and edit both of these sequences (both sponsorship and idea 1) in order to help myself only have advert 2 to film and edit.