Friday, 28 December 2012


I am going to use my Kitchen for the main part of my advert, as well as my sponsorship sequence. I will need to use my garden for my second idea, but I feel that I am able to do this well and with ease.

Here are the locations:

I will be using my fridge so that I am able to put the waterbottles on the middle shelf. I will have to rearrange things and take things out in order to do this but i feel that i will be able to do this successfully. Not only this, I am able to film whenever I want because I dont need permission or to ask anyone, therefore making this the ideal filming location. I will not have to reshoot the whole advert again depending on when I use this space as it is indoors and i can manipulate the lighting as to how i need it.

I will be using my kitchen countertop firstly so that I can package my lunchbox, as if i werent able to do this I wouldnt be able to get the 'mothers feel' which i am trying to aim for. I feel that i can get the lighting done well, as well as re-arranging things in order for the advert to work to the abilities that I need it to. I will also be using this space for my sponsorship seqence as I will be able to make it white and therefore will be able to change the lighting as to how I will need it to look. I also think that its simply the best thing to do and will be able to use the location whenever I need too, which is also a benefit to me. I will not have to reshoot the whole advert again depending on when I use this space as it is indoors and i can manipulate the lighting as to how i need it.

I will also be filming in my garden if my second idea works out well. I will need to film when it is sunny as this is important to me. I also have the issue that if the weather conditions change, I will have to re-shoot the whole thing.

I will also be filming on my table if my second idea is to work out. This is because I need it to place the picnic basket on and therefore need a larger space to situate this on.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Brainstorming ideas for 2nd idea

I have been brainstorming ideas for my second storyboard since my storyboard was to similar to the previous one. I have thought of five ideas and my favourite are those with dots next to them. Here is a picture of my brainstorming:

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Storyboard Two

Although I am going to use storyboard one, I now need to look at my second storyboard in order to try and make sure that it is different. I feel that Storyboard one and two were to similar and therefore need to think of a different idea to persue my advert in. I feel that it would be appropriate if I could try and aim this advert at the more childish audience. This would therefore suggest that I need to have a child to act in my advert, rather than having an adult. I will need to find where I can get a child to be in my advert because I do not have any younger siblings. I could also have a child drinking my water product, or I could brainstorm other ways to make children feel that my product is for them.

I will be brainstorming ideas and I will photograph them in order for them to be put on to my blog. I will also be completing my other storyboard and put them on here, as well as creating an animatic for storyboard one.

Music Update

I am still trying to find an unsigned artist whose music I think fits the advert. At the moment, everything I research is something to do with 'love' and that doesnt get my message across.
I want to find something thats catchy and will be able to be remembered by those watching my advert. I want to make sure that the song is completely clean incase children want to look it up, and i need to make sure that its nothing that parents would disagree with.
After finding the artist I want to use, I want to be able to email them directly and get their approval. Upon this, I will then see if it works with my advert.