Sunday, 24 June 2012

Advertising Brief

I have chosen to do the advertising brief as I believe that I will be able to achieve this one to the highest standards. From the beginning, this brief has stood out to me due to the high standard of completed work before. I am willing to challenge myself in order to compete with previous candidates and make an advertisement that is to a good quality and professional. I am excited to start this brief and have already started to look at other advertisements in order to gain ideas. Some of my favourites are;

I have also started to listen to some unsigned artists music so that I can start to gather ideas on what music may fit with different advertisements. I think the hardest part of this brief will be to create a radio advertisement and am excited to start the challenge. I decided not to do a music video as I didn't think that I would be able to complete this to a high standard, and I feel that the 5 minute short film is to similar to last years brief.